
Workshops provide an opportunity to develop together new contents and strengthen the team spirit. Here I work as a facilitator and accept the organization, the process and the visualization of the gained results.




- Innovation management & creativity

- Construction & optimaization of sales structures

- Increas in profitability of the company

- Development of new markets

- Key factor motivation in the company

- The optimum co-operation between enterprises and colleges

- Business etiquette - rules and manners



- Leadership theories and strategys

- Executives development & coaching  -> from employee to executive

- lead means serve, delegate and motivate


- Which will require a corporate strategy?

- Strategy development and implementation


- Values as the foundation of any organization

- Why do we need values?

- Values as a factor of economic success

- Values as the basis of the corporate philosophy


- Developing a marketing strategy

- Courage for new marketing ideas


- Analysis of the existing sales structure

- Construction of a (new) sales organization

- CRM or how do I integrate my customers to our company

- systematic acquisition of new customers

- systemic openig up new markets